
Friday, 16 December 2011

Vampire Horror Film

I am now pitching a different idea of Horror Film to the lat one as it was ineffective and needed the other 2 members in my group to participate so i have had to change my idea. My new genre of horror film will be Vampire and i will be basing my vampire horror film on conventions used in existing vampire horror films.

My Vampire film will be based on a victim who has been bit on the neck by a vampire and as the victim wakes up after being un-conscious he stumbles to his feet and keeps on walking, though something is following him until he is hunted down and killed. I will cast a young person to star in  my horror film in a sub-urban enviroment late at night which will add a scary atmosphere to the Film. In the VAMPIRE 2 horror film they use mise en scene, as the vampires teeth  i will also use this idea in my horror film to make the vampire look realistic.



TOM - you will need to pitch a new film idea to the class the first lesson back after Xmas
Use the student example video to guide you.

In preparation for this you need to go back over your planning tasks and do them for the VAMPIRE genre

Put these on the blog when you are finished.

Here is an example of a student blog to guide you as to the tasks you will need to complete


 I am going to base concepts of this vampire horror film with ideas concepts with my  vampire horror film "The Night Stalker.

New group

Since our last post, my other two group members Ryan Davis and Josh Moore have dropped out of the group. So I will be working independently on my own to complete the Horror Movie.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Opening post Josh

In my opening post I hope that we can have some sort of pictures of a house, perhaps pictures of an old man, a newspaper of a story telling of the murder of the old man and the date being 30 years ago. This will run on to the narrative, being that the ghost was murdered thirty years ago in the house.

se7en opening title Josh
In the Opening title of se7en there is lots of handrwiting, the actors names are all hand written, there are also shotsm of somebody writing and crossing out words. This maybe a representation of the film/story.

IMBD Poltergeist Josh

The target audience of the film was Males between the age of 18-29 however there were many above the age of 29 ands between the age of 44.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Wordle documents.

Narrative ideas for our film

Characters: Young girl and boyfriend/Hero 18, Old man 82- using actor and make up to look old.
Storyline: opening sequence. The young couple buy the house off of the old man and then they start to get haunted by some sort of poltergeist activity. The ghost has some link to the old man who owns the house.
Costume: Old man will be wearing stereotypical clothing of an elderly man, possibly walking stick. The ghost will be heard not seen.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Final Coursework group

In our coursework group ryan, tom and josh we are making a ghost horror film and have created a mind map to display certain ideas which we want in the film. Ryan has gone to scan our mind map.

Horror Film - Mind Map

Friday, 21 October 2011

Josh Moore Halfterm homework

Our finished work shows that we can successfully hold a steady shot, however there is one or two shots were the camera wobbles. We framed our shots appropriately, in accordance to what we wanted to show in the shot. We used a variety of shot types, including: OSS, POV, Close up and mid shot. We successfully used the composition techniques until our last shot when we broke the 180 degree rule.

All of our shots flow together reasonably well, however there is one shot in which we didn't move the camera more than 30 degrees which makes the shot seem as if it has jumped.
We didn't use any transitions between shots.

We used appropriate make-up for our film in order to make Ryan's hand look ghostly. Our location was appropriate because it was similar to the house in the original film that we watched, our actor was appropriate because she portrays a stereotypical female victim, the inspiration could have been taken from other horror films such as the grudge.

During the film making I helped film the scenes, i also helped edit the clips after we had finished recording or shots. We could improve the way that sound was used in our film, we could also have improved our shots by not breaking the 180 degree rule like we did. Yes we will edit the clip more precisely and also probably use more transitions.

Ryan Davis AS Media Studies - Half-term Homework Assignment

1. Use of Camera

From watching our finished film, I can see we were able to hold a steady shot but at points, such as when we tilted the camera upward the shot shook a small amount. This was evident when we titled upward from the book on the ground, to Alex, sat on the floor behind it. We can evidently hold still shots steady but we need to improve on holding them steady when we are moving the camera around. Also the film shows that we can use a variety of shot types such as: OSS, POV, Close-Up and Mid-shot. We used the composition techniques successfully until the very penultimate shot where we broke the 180 degree rule.

2. Use of Editing

Our shots flowed appropriately well and we were happy with the results. But there is one shot where the camera jumps because we hadn't kept the camera in the same position on two different shots that were close together in our film, so playing it back it looked jumpy. We used simple editing transitions to piece our shots together. This was just a simple cut and no others were used.

3. Selection of Content

We used appropriate make-up on my hand which was meant to be ghostly and almost dead. It looked great and the results were what we had hoped for. We used the book as well and tried to keep it close to the original film by using scissors to make it look battered and old. The location was simple and so we chose Josh's house. Also we could use the house really well to make the film flow because of the locations of the stairs and the windows in Josh's house. We did choose appropriate actors in our film.

4. Self-assessment

I wore make-up on my hand and featured as the ghost in the film. I was in a few shots, one behind the window, another breathing down the camera from my point of view and appearing at the end through the banister. I also helped organize the camera position and helped edit the film. We could have improved the way we used sound in the film. In our final piece we will do somethings differently; make sure we follow composition techniques at all times and don't let the 180 degree rule be broken. Also we need to make sure the shots flow almost perfectly and not let any of the shots jump during the transitions. We could also use more transitions and get more close ups in the film.

Josh Moore Ryan Davis assessment film

Assessment Film

Our assessment film was a remake of a 40 second section from a previous 'Ghost' film by year 12 students.


-The shots flowed well and everything made sense, continuity wise.
-We followed our storyboard and kept close to the original 40 seconds.
-Our cast was good and suited the roles.
-The make-up used on Ryan's hand looked realistic and scary.
-Good use of props.


-The 180 degree rule was broken on the staircase scene.
-The audience could see a wrist band on Ryan's hand, when it was supposed to be ghostly.

What we could improve on:

-The use of sounds and effects.
-Used the camera to create more effective and scary shots.
-Follow the rules of shots.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Composition exercise film


Good use of camera shots. Head room and lead room is good aswell. Also the shots are framed well.

Accidently saw a character in the corner of the camera. It does jump once but we edited as best as possible.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Location photo set: joshmoore

 Josh's house. We knew Josh's house would be the best because it is very similar to the scenes in the 40 second clip we have chosen to remake. We think we can film well with these locations.

Ghost make-up.

Joshua before and after make-up.
We only need a bit of make up because the only time we see the ghost's face is behind a window at night, so he'll be hardly visible.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Continuity Editing

Today we learnt about continuity editing and different types of camera shots to fit with it. We learnt about master shots, close ups, extreme close ups and we drew a story board to show them.

Friday, 30 September 2011

A glorious day of filming and banter.

Today in our media lesson, Josh,  Emma and I commenced planning an amazing revolutionary piece of cinematography. Our task was to follow a set of tasks; tasks that would make use of our knowledge on shot types, camera angles, sequencing and editing. By the end of the tasks we will have produced a simple sequence of clips.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Assessment Video

The 40 seconds we chose were the opening 40 seconds of the film. In these 40 seconds it shows a boy and a girl snuggling on the living room floor. Then the girl pick up a decrepit, raggedy booklet when a dead hand pops up over the page and the girl screams. We can recreate this in my house using my sister and an old Torah(Jewish scroll). Atfer this scene, a door slams and a hideous demon appears at the window. Unbeknownst to the girl though, she stands up and scampers away up the stairs.

Our first post

We will be learning about camera framing, shot types, continuity,storyboarding, and the typical genre conventions of a ghost film.We will be assessed on our own re creation of a 30/40 second clip of a students horror film.