
Friday, 20 April 2012

AS Foundation Portfolio: Reflective Evaluation Question 2;

Task one: Analyse the representation in existing films from your sub-genre.

In my research for Question 2 I have uploaded beneath this two video clips within my sub-genre from existing popular films. The two clips below come from the films "Van Helsing" and "Underworld".

Underworld; This scene from the video clip is the part where  Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) and Carl (David Wenham) arrive in Transylvania, they then meet an unwelcoming Anna and her townspeople.

In this clip we clearly see Women stereotypically played as a completely different role from what they would usually be played as in different conventional movies. Stereotypically Women are played as the role of the "Damsell in Distress" but in this clip the threat which is the flying Ghouls is played by a Women and the Women who runs the Town (Anna) are both represented with great Power which is a big contrast to most other Vampire Films where the Women is usually played by the "Damsell in Distress" and shows no power whats over. The Women in this Scene are showed by having power as the Threat is a Women which is a flying Ghoul and because she is flying in the air aggressively above everyone she instantly has more Power and the Women who is the leader of the Towns people of Transylvania has power as she holds her nerves and stays where she stands whilst everyone runs away from the flying creatures. She will also happily stand against the orders of Van Helsing as at 2:16 in the clip Van Helsing orders Anna to "stay here" and she just turns Van Helsing on his side and tells him "You stay here"

This Clips from the Movie "Van Helsing" Leary challenges Conventions of stereotypical Women in not just vampire Horror movies but in Movies in general. This is completely different to the clip from the movie "Underworld" where it clearly shows a man in Power who fires a shotgun in the air to stop the recklessness of the "Lycans".

In the Previous Clip from the Movie "Van Helsing" we see a Women portrayed as  having power in the clip whilst in this one a Man is portrayed as someone Powerful because he is holding a weapon as well as having Authority over the humans and the "Lycans" in the Tunnel at that scene. This Steritype used in this Clips follows the traditional Convention of Men having power.

2. Planning: How has your planning evidenced your understanding of social groups representation?

In my planning for my vampire horror film "The Night Stalker" I casted the Victim (Tom Cheshire) because he is somone of a simular age group who would watch the "The Night Stalker" and also I couldn't find anyone older or younger who would of played the role as well.

The Story for my Horror Movie was about a young man who has been btten by a vampire and has been laying unconsious on the floor for small ammount of time he then gets up realising the seriousness of his injurys and walks down the dark street for some sort of help but on his way down he hears a strange banging noise and turns around to see what it is, thought whilst he is turned around there is nothing there for the noise to come from, the man then turns back around and keeps on running, then he turns round a corner to unfortunately see a dark shadow standing in the middle of the road which is his atacker. He then turns around again and runs away but the Vampire quickly catches him up and finishes off his victim completely  by bitting him on the neck for a secound time. I beleive this story for my horror movie "The night Stalker" fits conventions under the vampire sub-genre as vampire movies are often about a Vampire hunting down its pray before he goes to kill his prey which is simular to what happens in my vampire horror film. A good example used of this is in the film Count Dracula where gives some blood to the victim in the lounge, this is remembered as one of the key moments of the movie.

3. Construction and Feedback: A social group representation is an organisation of people or a group and I beleive a social group in my film is that young people are usually a target for conspiculuous crimes such as murder and assault. This reflects in my horror movie "The Night Stalker" because the Victim of a Vampire attack is a young person.  This can be compared to the scene out of 30 days of Night where a middle aged couple are both attactked by Vampires. The comparison between them is that in my horror movie it is obvious that a young man is being attacked by a vampire and in 30 days of Night the Vampire is targeting someone of an older age group, lastly I have acheived this representation by hiring the actor of my horror movie as a young person.

The key responses from my original horror film before the retake were that the film represented age well on more then one of the response sheets.

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